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Creating Groups and Keywords

It seems more fun and exciting to create your Keyword first, however it is a best practice to create a Group first. Creating a Group first, will include fewer steps and will leave less room for error.

Creating a Group
Groups allow you to segment your audience. We recommend you create a group for each Keyword or sub keyword you are using. It is a best practice to have incoming messages to a Keyword automatically add the mobile phone number/contact to a group. Contacts may be added to more than one group. In the event you would like to send the same SMS/text to multiple groups with over lapping contacts, the system will filter your contacts and only send the message to each contact once.

  1. Visit the left navigation while signed into your texting account.
  2. Choose “Groups” on the left
  3. Select “Add a New Group” at the top of the screen
  4. Enter a group name and short note.

Name: OneEach Staff
Note: Internal Staff Members

When creating groups, consider both the long and short term desires for these mobile phone numbers/contacts.

Example: A school is hosting a parents meeting. They ask parents to Opt-In to receive updates and SMS/Text messages throughout the year. It may make sense to create two groups for that Keyword/night. One, “Parents”, to be kept long term and add parents to continually during the year. And another, “Mtg Aug 4”, to use for sending “Thank you for attending” messages and any other follow up information from the meeting, including dates, links, calendar entries, etc. These groups can be merged, deleted, etc., after the follow up has been completed.

Creating a Keyword
Keywords allow people to text into your account, join a list, enter to win or more. The keyword is also how your phone carrier and our texting platform know to send the message to your inbox. Much like a username or email address.

To create a keyword:

  1. Visit the left navigation while signed into your texting account.
  2. Choose "Keyword" on the left
  3. Under “Keyword” choose “Manage Keywords”
  4. This screen will show the demo Keyword assigned to your account. As well as any other Keywords you have reserved. It will also indicate if each Keyword is included in your account plan or an additional investment each month.
  5. Choose “Add a Keyword”
  6. Type in your desired Keyword. The system will tell you the availability and monthly cost, if any, to reserve this Keyword on a monthly basis.
  7. All Keywords are reserved on a 30 day basis. You may add or remove a Keyword every 30 days.
  8. Select which group you would like mobile phone numbers/contacts to this Keyword to be added for future communication/sorting and out going messages. You may select more than one group by holding down “command” on your keyboard while highlighting two or more groups.

See instructions below to create an automated response for your keyword.

PLEASE NOTE: It is required by all carriers that your Keywords have an automated response with instructions about opting out. For this reason, we default to a basic automated response (which you may edit), and include Opt-out instructions on all keyword response texts (which you may not edit/remove).

Carrier Regulations
Due to carrier regulations you MUST include an auto-reply to Keyword Opt-ins, which includes Opt-Out information. For your convenience, we automatically append compliant opt-out instructions to your auto-reply. Make sure you have enough credits available in your account for customers to subscribe to your list and receive your auto-reply SMS/text.

Carrier regulations also require that when advertising your Keyword you display the following information near your call to action (eg. Text Keyword to 313131): Msg&data rates may apply. To unsubscribe from this list reply 'STOP' to 313131.

Creating a Sub Keyword
You may create Sub Keywords that allow you to segment Opt-In groups, without reserving multiple Keywords.

Keyword: Southlake
Sub Keyword: Southlake Band

  1. Visit the left navigation while signed into your texting account.
  2. Choose “Keyword” on the left
  3. Under “Keyword” choose “Manage Keywords”
  4. Once on the screen, choose the “+” next to the Keyword to which you would like to add a Sub Keyword.
  5. Select the link “Add Sub Keyword”
  6. Enter your desired Sub Keyword.
  7. Select “Add Sub Keyword” green button.
  8. Select which group you would like mobile phone numbers/contacts to this Sub Keyword to be added for future communication/sorting and out going messages. You may select more than one group by holding down “command” on your keyboard while highlighting two or more groups.

See instructions below to create an automated response for your keyword.

PLEASE NOTE: It is required by all carriers that your Keywords have an automated response with instructions about opting out. For this reason, we default to a basic automated response (which you may edit), and include Opt out instructions on all keyword response SMS/Texts (which you may not edit/remove).

Auto replies require 1 credit to send for each mobile phone number/contact that opts into your list. Please ensure you have enough plan credits before launching a Keyword/Opt-In Program.

Creating automated responses
: It is required by all carriers that your Keywords have an automated response with instructions about opting out. For this reason, we default to a basic automated response (which you may edit), and include Opt out instructions on all keyword response SMS/Texts (which you may not edit/remove).

  1. Visit the left navigation while signed into your texting account.
  2. Choose “Keyword” on the left
  3. Under “Keyword” choose “Manage Keywords”
  4. Once on the screen choose the Keyword you would like to edit the automated response for, and select the “Settings” icon.
  5. This screen will display the current custom or default setting automated reply.
  6. Follow the prompts to write your desired message.
    1. Messages may not be more than 160 characters.
    2. Including the required, and un-editable Opt Out instructions.
    3. It is recommended and best practices to include these notes on all automated responses, and new Opt In SMS/Texts:

For Help Reply HELP. Msg&data rates may apply.

PRO TIP: If you are using a Keyword with automated responses for an event, or with an end date in mind, set a calendar entry on your computer to remind you to remove, update, edit, or delete the Keyword and automated response as it fits your needs.

Eek! I created my Keyword first, before adding a corresponding group!
Not to worry. A few extra steps and all will be fixed. You may also need to follow these steps if you would like to change the group(s) your Keywords are linked with, as events come and go on your calendar.

  1. Visit the left navigation while signed into your texting account.
  2. Choose “Keyword” on the left
  3. Under “Keyword” choose “Manage Keywords”
  4. Once on the screen choose the Keyword you would like to edit the group(s) for, and select the “Settings” icon.
  5. At the top of the screen you may highlight your desired group(s).
  6. You may select more than one group by holding down “command” on your keyboard while highlighting two or more groups.