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Texting FAQs: Before you Sign Up

What are Short Codes?
A short code is the “phone number” used to text your organization. OneEach uses short code 313131 for our texting platform.

Keywords? Say What?
Keywords are comprised of letters and/or numbers that people use to text with you via short code. When a donor texts your keyword to 313131, they are automatically added to your contact list(s).

How many SMS/Texts do I need?
We never charge for incoming texts to your keyword. As people text into your keyword, those texts do not count against your SMS/text count. Each out bound message from your account counts towards your SMS/text count for the current 30 day billing cycle, including any automatic responses set up for your keywords. When you send out large group message, each contact being sent a text, counts as a SMS/text for your current billing cycle.

Commitment phobic?
We understand. We all have that “one time” we signed a two-year contract we regretted 30 days later. Our texting platform has no contracts, and no long-term commitments. Plans are based on a 30-day billing cycle and you are free to cancel your plan at any time. We’ll still be friends. If you would like to increase your or decrease your plan size, you may make that request online at any time, and the change will be reflected in your account on your next 30 day billing anniversary.

Who can access my account?
Your texting account is a lot like a web based email account. You may access if from anywhere with Internet access, on a computer or smart phone. And you will have a password to protect your account from non-authorized users. You are free to share (or not!) your password with others from your organization.

May I receive texts directly?
Yes. Anyone that knows your short code and keyword, may send you a text message. They may also reply directly to a text you send them. All of these messages will be delivered to you inbox, accessible from inside your account. Like email, we recommend you check your account regularly. However, you may also set up email or text alerts (to a personal phone number) to let you know when any new messages arrive in your inbox.

What about my contacts? May I share the data?
From your account you may save, rename, group, delete or export data. Much like email, there are many options to group your messages and contacts and no one right or wrong way. We are happy to talk with you about how you plan to use your account and suggest a structure that will work for your organization. Our platform does not permit you to share, sell, or profit from your texting contact’s data with third parties.

What does Opt-Out Mean?
OneEach has been in business for 15+ years and we believe in playing nice with others. For our texting platform to work, we also need the mobile phone carriers to play nice with us. Thus all carriers agree giving users the opportunity to control who can text them is beneficial to all. Any mobile phone user may chose to Opt-Out, or leave your texting account by texting “STOP” at any time. Our software will remove them form your lists immediately. You are not able to add them back, however they may choose to Opt-In again, by texting a keyword back to your account.

No Funny Business
While we do not read your texts verbatim, we do have software that scans your activity, word choice, and contact additions for funny business. Texts may be held for review or rejected if we deem them to be SPAM, illegal, hate speak, etc. If you are kind and professional you should not experience any delays or rejections in your texting account.

Carrier Regulations
Due to carrier regulations you MUST include an auto-reply to Keyword Opt-ins, which includes Opt-Out information. For your convenience, we automatically append compliant opt-out instructions to your auto-reply. Make sure you have enough credits available in your account for customers to subscribe to your list and receive your auto-reply text. Carrier regulations also require that when advertising your Keyword you display the following information near your call to action (eg. Text Keyword to 313131): Msg&data rates may apply. To unsubscribe from this list reply 'STOP' to 313131.